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Inefficiency can quickly reduce profit margins for manufacturing and distribution businesses. Whether it’s from still using three-part carbon forms or misplacing proof of delivery documents to taking advantage of early pay discounts from your vendors, Workflow Strategies identify inefficiencies, promotes standardization in your back office processes and ultimately increase your bottom line. With our vast experience and knowledge in this industry, let us help you reduce paper processing to increase operational efficiency, customer service and corporate accountability.

Lean Management Techniques

Taking your organization to the next level is not a destination, it is a mindset of continuous improvement.

Many of our consulting techniques and software solutions will require immediate changes to your processes in order to maximize a rapid return on your investment.  Nonetheless, we also spend time focusing on how Lean Management techniques can continue to improve your business processes with a long term approach.

Small incremental changes in processes can improve efficiency and quality just as effectively as a big overhauls.  We understand the impact of these changes and we work with your organization to create plans for implementing small changes, and evaluating periodically to discover new ways to improve.

Supply Chain Efficiency

The backbone of any great manufacturing and distribution company is a strong supply chain.  Workflow Strategies understands this concept, and we know how to eliminate waste and improve your supply chain processes with technology.

Our business automation platform eliminates manual processing, speeding the vendor review and selection process. By allowing users to manage related information across the supply chain, our platform enables benchmarking activities that strengthen the entire process with increased speed and accuracy. We also offer online self-service user portals, providing vendors with instant access to needed information like order forms, records of previous transactions and images of shipping labels. With one place for vendors to find everything they need, employees have more time to focus on strengthening important vendor relationships.

In the words of Paul Meyer, “Productivity is never an accident.  It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and a focused effort.”  We fully believe in this philosophy and are committed to increasing efficiencies and decreasing costs departmentally.

Back-Office Solutions

With leading edge technology and experienced consulting; our solutions create rapid, precise invoice processing.

  1. Capture – Regardless of how documents are received (fax, mail, e-mail, etc.), the solution captures, organizes and delivers them to the appropriate individuals for review, coding and approval. Available directly from your ERP screens, employees no longer have to physically search for critical payment information.
  2. Automate – You can automatically route documents and information to appropriate business units, perform three-way matching and post to accounting applications.
  3. Extract – Eliminating the need for business users to re-key information, you minimize the number of touches per transaction, reducing manual data entry while increasing AP process efficiency.

The Competitive Advantage: Not only can you automatically notify stakeholders during processing but you can also improve vendor relationships and recognize more early payment discounts.

Our solutions create a centralized location where all of your accounts receivable documentation and processes can reside.

  • Extract information from orders and update your accounting system
  • Link created invoices directly from your ERP with related documents such as proof of delivery
  • Capture check information, post payment to your accounting system, and create an electronic deposit

The Competitive Advantage: By decreasing the time between invoice creation and payment receipt, your business will have the opportunity to increase revenue via rapid cash flow at lower costs.

Though Human Resources is not generally viewed as a revenue generating department, there are large benefits gained by companies with effective HR practices and large costs are associated if these practices are not accomplished efficiently.

  • Reclaim staff time by managing content electronically
  • Support compliance for policies and credentials
  • Eliminate paper forms and create standardized, faster processes

The Competitive Advantage: With the click of button via electronic forms and mobile devices, you can kick off HR approval processes such as policy sign-offs and employee onboarding. Maximize your employees’ ability to focus on true HR tasks, including improving recruiting, training and development of your staff.